Welcome to the last day of ECMO Boot Camp!!
Today we wrap up our wonderful tour of ECMO-ology with a few lectures that will give you a few ideas on the finer things of ECMO: what can go wrong, what can go right, and of course what we need to do to get the patient off ECMO and back home. With the conclusion of today’s lectures most would agree that you have the basic knowledge required to both understand what ECMO is and what ECMO can do. You also should have the foundation required to start looking into hands-on learning situations through your home institution. We wish you all the best and thank you for tuning in for this 3 week endeavor! Until next time…..
Please note: listening to this course does not give you enough information to practice ECMO on your own. You also will not have enough knowledge to consider yourself an expert (but it’s a good start!)