Please enjoy complimentary access to a sepsis curriculum created by two esteemed faculty members here at the University of Maryland Medical School: Jeffrey P. Gonzales, PharmD, FCCM, BCPS, BCCCP and Nirav G. Shah, MD, FCCP.
Dr. Gonzales is an Associate Professor of Critical Care and a faculty member at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy where he is the director of the Post-Graduate Year One and Year Two Pharmacotherapy Residency Program. He is a staple on MICU rounds and has been a driving force for pharmacy integration into the critical care fellow’s curriculum.
Dr. Shah is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, the Course Director of Pathophysiology & Therapeutics I; and also acts as the Director of the Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellowship Program here at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Despite his many administrative duties, Dr. Shah continues to be rated as one the best MICU educators by the medicine and critical care fellows.