Author name: Jim Lantry

Just your average critical care doc: wandering the ED and ICUs of Maryland, dedicating time to the USAF to travel the globe to cannulate for ECLS wherever the need arises, and trying to keep up with great minds of today. E:

A case of severe hypothermia…. when "sepsis" isn’t the ONLY answer

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You are working in the MICU on a relatively quiet Sunday night, turn the lights off and just as you are about

Intraosseus: when central access isn’t an option

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] Since 1922, physicians have been using the long bones as a “non-collapsible vein” for fast and reliant resuscitation. Although first targeted to

When Tuberculosis Meets The Spine: The Legacy of Percivall Pott

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You receive a call from the neurosurgery intern who is frantic! He states that he is in desperate need of your help.

Achondroplasia and the ICU, a combination fraught with ERROR

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”]You are working a typical night shift in the MICU when you hear word of a patient coming up from the ED who

ECMO Troubleshooting: 3 Problems You NEED to Recognize Early!

[tab_nav type=”6-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Case 1 Answer” active=””][tab_nav_item title=”Case 2″ active=””][tab_nav_item title=”Case 2 Answer” active=””][tab_nav_item title=”Case 3″ active=””][tab_nav_item title=”Case 3 Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”]As we continue through our trek into

You Put a Central Line into WHAT?!?!

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You are awoken at 0300 by the ICU intern stating that the new admission is in room 11. En route she tells

A Valvular Disaster…. An Exercise in Futility

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] A 32 yo F s/p a tricuspid valve replacement secondary to MSSA endocarditis 8 months earlier presents with a one month history

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