Author name: Jim Lantry

Just your average critical care doc: wandering the ED and ICUs of Maryland, dedicating time to the USAF to travel the globe to cannulate for ECLS wherever the need arises, and trying to keep up with great minds of today. E:

Hardy: HSCT for the intensivist: indications, interventions, & complications

Today we have the pleasure to welcome Nancy Maureen Hardy, MD, MA, FACP, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center. Dr. Hardy originally trained at Duke University for her medical degree, her Internal Medicine residency, and an Oncology fellowship. Next she moved on to the NIH where she completed both an ID fellowship and Research Fellowship in Immunology. She then stayed on the NIH faculty for 10 years at the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute until 2014. Now we have get genius gracing the halls of UMMC where she acts as the Director of Allogenic Transplantation and Cell Therapy Laboratories….

ECMO Boot Camp – Day 3

Today we wrap up our wonderful tour of ECMO-ology with a few lectures that will give you a few ideas on the finer things of ECMO: what can go wrong, what

ECMO Boot Camp – Day 2

Today we continue with day 2 of ECMO training. The speakers today have been practicing ECMO for numerous years and what you are going to hear is information garnered from hundreds

ECMO Boot Camp – Day 1

Today you are welcome to a rarity in modern medicine, we will posting an ENTIRE ECMO course online, for free! This will be a weekly event for a three week stretch.

McCarthy- Nutrition in the ICU, a vital update!

Today’s special guest speaker, Paul J McCarthy MD, CNSC, is a new addition to the Maryland family. Dr. McCarthy recently practiced at the LSU Health Sciences Center, where he acted as an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Neurosurgery as well as the Assistant Director Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit. Now he serves his time as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine here at the University of Maryland SOM and had been a constant presence in the MICU. Over his extensive career in medicine, Dr. McCarthy has been a voice of reason when it comes to ICU nutrition. Today he gives us a crash course in everything we need to know to keep our patients healthy and fed!

Law: Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, a critical care conundrum!

Today we welcome Jennie Y. Law, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine here at the University of Maryland. Dr. Law is a true home grown talent, doing both her medical school and medicine residency here at the University of Maryland before leaving to do her fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at UT Southwestern down in Dallas, Texas. Today she is here to talk about Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a topic that has puzzled internists, intensivists, and hematologists alike. Review the pathophysiology, learn the criteria for diagnosis – both the HLH 2004 criteria and the newer HSCORE – and go through her treatment algorithms. See why and how you may be overlooking this important diagnosis in your patients!

Tisherman- Hypothermia, coming to trauma bay near you!

Today we are pleased to feature a groundbreaking talk by a recent addition to the Shock Trauma faculty, Samuel Tisherman, MD, FACS, FCCM. Dr. Tisherman is a Professor of Surgery and Director of the Division of Critical Care and Trauma Education here at the University of Maryland. He is also one of the worlds foremost experts on using hypothermia in the resuscitation of trauma patients. Today he gives a preface for his revolutionary EPR-CAT trail. You will want to be on the cutting edge of this revolutionary concept!

Weiss: Informed consent- statutes and caselaw

Today we welcome back Larry Weiss, M.D., J.D., Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland and overall expert in the field of medico-legal issues. Dr. Weiss has been invited all over the United States to speak on the delicate aspects of practicing medicine in the legal mine fields of modern medicine. Today he focuses on the subtleties of the medical consent process. Although the laws and statutes are focused on the state he practices medicine, Maryland, the overall concepts are secure. It’s been said before, but these ideals are something you have to master to practice medicine successfully!

Gillard: Communicating with grieving families

Today we welcome a very special guest, Ms. Erin Gillard, LCSW-C. Ms. Gillard is the Clinical Manager, Family Services at The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland. Additionally, she is has over ten years of social work experience here at the University of Maryland. Most recently, she has broadened her expertise as a yoga therapy instructor with Yama Studio. Today Ms. Gillard will approach a topic that is often overlooked in standard critical care training, how to truly communicate with families when they dealing with a significant level of crisis and emotional distress. This is a topic that is truly cutting-edge in the modern ICU, so I assure you this will be a skill you will be expected to master!

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