
Leekha – Updates on Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection Prevention

Dr. Surbi Leekha, MBBS, MPh, Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology at UMMC presents at Critical Care Grand Rounds. Her lecture is entitled, “Updates on CLABSI Prevention”.

Wyatt – Systems are Divisive…Especially in Research

Dr. Tasha R. Wyatt PhD, Associate Director, Center for Health Professions Education (CHPE) and Associate Professor, Department of Medicine at the F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences presents a lecture titled “Systems are Divisive..Especially in Research” as part of the DEI lecture series.

Merino – Appraising manuscripts: an editor’s perspective

José G. Merino, M.D., M.Phil., FAAN, FAHA, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology at the University of Maryland SOM and US Research Editor, The BMJ, presents the weekly multi-departmental critical care fellows’ lecture on “Appraising manuscripts: an editor’s perspective.”

James: We count our successes in lives; the best medical results at the lowest necessary cost

This is a rare occasion, for a brief period we were able to lure Brent C. James, M.D., M.Stat. off Capital Hill long enough to allow us to record his brilliance in the form of a 90 minute lecture. Dr. James has earned too many accolades to list all in one place, briefly he joined Intermountain Healthcare in 1986 as the Director of Medical Research and Continuing Medical Education and quickly crafted Intermountain into a juggernaut of medical informatics pushing them to the pinnacles of quality health care. He just recently has stepped down as the Chief Quality Officer to focus more on the teaching aspects of his career as he continues to lead the Intermountain Advanced Training Program.

Lim: Understanding global critical care

Today is quite a pleasure and a unique opportunity for MCCP, this talk was sent to us by Andrew Lim, MD. During his tenure as a medical student at UCSF Dr. Lim found time to also complete the UC Berkeley – UCSF Joint Medical Program for his M.S. in Public Health. Andrew put these skills to good use as an Emergency Medicine resident at The University of Washington jumping on every chance to make his mark on the International Health community. However, don’t let the ACGME status fool you, he has been around the world working with some remarkable people along the way. The things you will hear and learn in this talk will open your eyes to just what it means to treat sepsis in Sub-Saharan Africa, or how to make an ARDS diagnosis when a blood gas is a luxury. I assure you, this is one the better uses of 30 minutes you will find all year!

Rothman: Beyond the Early Warning Score, The Rothman Index

Today Michael Rothman, Ph.D., co-founder and chief science officer, PeraHealth is presenting his work on early detection of critical illness. After losing his mother to an undetected complication following a low-risk surgical procedure, Dr. Rothman was determined to develop a method to predict such travesties before they occurred. He accomplished this by leveraging over 30 years of data analysis and mathematical modeling experience to create a method of tracking patient progress, allowing detection of declining health, and allowing earlier intervention. These models are referred to as the Rothman Index and the pediatric Rothman Index, both of which are revolutionizing the way we care for critically ill patients.

Spiegel: Science vs. truth, an approach to journal analysis

Today we are visited by Dr. Rory Spiegel. The man behind EM Nerd and the most recent winner of the EMRA Educator and FOAMer of the year! Dr. Spiegel is most recently completing his Resuscitation Fellowship at Stony Brook University Medical Center where every day activities focus on two things: the creation of an ED-ICU model AND reviewing/critiquing scientific papers. Today he will be doing his best to concentrate his brilliance into a 45 minute presentation. I have heard a ton of lectures on EBM, but never before has one made so much sense in such a short period of time!

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