
Miscellaneous topics

Greenwood – Why We Do What We Do and the Future of MarylandCCProject

This is a talk I gave at this month’s Critical Care Grand Rounds about the concepts that have driven the development of MarylandCCProject along with our evolution over the past 2 years.  Since the beginning, our goal has been to improve the critical care education at the University of Maryland, as well as show others the great work we are doing here in Baltimore.  I think we’ve done that.  But we’re not finished.

Marc Zubrow – Telemedicine in the ICU

Marc Zubrow is the Vice-President of Telehealth and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. As Medical Director of eCare at the University of Maryland

Dale Needham: Post Intensive Care Syndrome

Congrats!  You saved your patient from their critical illness – but do you know what happens to them after they leave your ICU?  Well, if not – you might be

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