Core Content

Reed: The past, present, and future of COPD

Today we have a talk that Dr. Robert Reed gave at a 2015 Maryland Pulmonary Medicine Conference. Dr. Reed is a Associate Professor of Medicine here at the University of Maryland and the current Medical Director of Lung Transplantation at the Veterans Administration Southeast Region. This talk was SO educational and useful that we begged him for the opportunity to share this knowledge. Thankfully he agreed! So sit back and prepare to have a concentrated 40 minutes of COPD pearls and a fantastic discussion on just how well we do with lung transplants!

Parikh – Updates in NeuroCritical Care

Today we were able to convince Dr. Gunjan Parikh to grace the lecture hall and give us an amazing update in the field of neurocritical care! Dr. Parikh is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the University of Maryland Medical Center where he primarily works in the Neurocritical ICU and Neurotrauma ICU. Today we will go through everything from the newest studies of tPA use in intracranial hemorrhage to the use of diabetic medications to improve outcomes in CVA patients. This talk cannot be missed no matter which ICU you find yourself in!

Shah: Mechanical Ventilation, Focusing on the basics

Today we welcome back Dr. Nirav Shah, program director for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship program at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Today Dr. Shah takes us back to the basics of ventilator use. Even the experts in the audience will find tips and tricks to take back to the ICU in order to improve patient care. And for all the budding intensivists out there, this is a talk you cannot miss!!

Shiber: The History of Resuscitative Medicine

We are excited to welcome back Dr. Joseph R. Shiber, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Shiber is currently on loan to us here at the University of Maryland as he completes his Critical Care Medicine Fellowship. He is the first EM/IM/CCM graduate our program ever had and has been making waves in the academic world since his departure. After many requests he has agreed to share one of his most requested lectures: A history of resuscitative medicine.

Herr: You think you know ETCO2?!?

Today we are fortunate that Dr. Daniel Herr, Chief of Surgical Critical Care services and Director of the Cardiac Surgery/Heart-Lung Transplant ICU here at the University of Maryland and overall critical care genius. Today Dr. Herr tackles a topic that often stares us right in the face, offering us all the knowledge we could ever need to treat patients, and yet we ignore it: End Tidal CO2!!

Rubin: AKI in the ICU, an Updated Look

Today we are joined by Dr. Mario Rubin, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Nephrology Department and the acting Director of the Nephrology fellowship here at the University of Maryland. Dr. Rubin is a recent transplant from Boston where he served as director of nephrology education and director of the Transplant Nephrology Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. We stole him for a single hour to discuss some of the basics & cutting edge controversies about AKI in the the critically ill patient .

D’Alessio: The Pathobiology of Sepsis

Today we are very fortunate to welcome Franco Rafael D’Alessio MD, assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with a specialty on critical care medicine. If there is one thing that Dr. D’allasio knows, it is sepsis. In fact over the last several years he has published numerous papers on the immunology of lung disease, focusing on T cell use, macrophage response, and the changes to inflammation that occur with aging. Today he focuses his brilliance to a 45 minute talk that is essential if you ever want to truly understand what sepsis does to your patients!

Spiegel: Science vs. truth, an approach to journal analysis

Today we are visited by Dr. Rory Spiegel. The man behind EM Nerd and the most recent winner of the EMRA Educator and FOAMer of the year! Dr. Spiegel is most recently completing his Resuscitation Fellowship at Stony Brook University Medical Center where every day activities focus on two things: the creation of an ED-ICU model AND reviewing/critiquing scientific papers. Today he will be doing his best to concentrate his brilliance into a 45 minute presentation. I have heard a ton of lectures on EBM, but never before has one made so much sense in such a short period of time!

Winters: Running the perfect code

Dr. Michael Winters is the medical director of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland and a brilliant speaker on critical care and emergency medicine topics. Dr. Winters has become one of the most well known and widely published experts in the field of practicing critical care medicine in the emergency room. You cannot find a more knowledgable and dedicated educator, so I hope you take advantage of this fantastic lecture! Your patients will thank you for it!! He is also well known as the creator and host of Critical Care Perspectives in Emergency Medicine (Twitter: @critcareguys)

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