Core Content

Tisherman: Preventing surgical airway disasters

Today we have Dr. Samuel Tisherman, the current Director of the Center for Critical Care and Trauma Education here at the UMMC. Dr. Tisherman is a recent transplant from the University of Pittsburg where he was the Director of the Multidisciplinary Critical Care Training Program and program director for the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship. If all that wasn’t enough, in addition to his numerous teaching awards, he was also elected to the prestigious University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Academy of Master Educators. So obviously with this phenomenal educational pedigree, Dr. Tisherman is the perfect individual to lead a discussion on the one topic we only get one shot to master: Emergency and Surgical Airways! Trust me, this talk WILL save someone’s life in the next week!!

Brower: Driving pressure in ARDS, does it matter?!?

Dr. Roy Brower returns to discuss a HOT topic in critical care – Driving Pressure. Is this the new mechanical ventilation resus end-point? Is pPlat < 30 out? In this talk, Dr. Brower will explain how to calculate the driving pressure, how it correlates with the stress index, and how you may be able to prevent VILI with just some simple bedside adjustments.

Wood: The Quality-Cost Interface of Healthcare Reform

Today we are fortunate to welcome Dr. Kenneth E. Wood, current Associate Chief Compliance Officer for the University of Maryland Medical Center as well as the new Director of the Maryland Critical Care Network. Dr. Wood just recently joined us from the Geisinger Health System, where he was the Chief Medical Officer as well as the Director of the IAA Geisinger Center for Healthcare Systems Re-Engineering. AND before that he was the Director of Critical Care Medicine and the and Program Director for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin…. Needless to say, he has spent a majority of his life making medicine run like an efficient machine. However, today Dr. Wood explains the real issue plaguing our society. Quite simply, the United States health care system is failing to do its most fundamental duty: take care of it’s people. This is a lecture I assure you cannot be watched just once…

Woods: Care of the Critically Ill HIV patient Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

Shiber: Updates in Traumatic Brain Injury Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

Stein: Coma and Brain Death Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

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