Anesthesia Critical Care

Galvagno – Full Spectrum Sedation for Critically Ill Patients

Dr. Samuel M. Galvagno, D.O, PhD, FCCM, Professor of Anesthesiology, Executive Vice Chair of Anesthesiology at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, and Medical Director of the Statewide Critical Care Coordination Center presents as part of the Critical Care Curriculum. His lecture is entitled “Full Spectrum Sedation for Critically Ill Patients: Science vs Mythology”.

Galvagno – Endpoints of Resuscitation

Samuel M. Galvagno Jr., DO, PhD, MS, FCCM, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Maryland SOM & Associate Director, Maryland Critical Care Network at UMMC and Ross Carpenter, MD, Fellow in Cardiothoracic Anesthesia at the University of Maryland, presents the weekly multi-departmental critical care fellows’ lecture on “Endpoints of Resuscitation”

Khanna – Perioperative Cardiorespiratory Compromise

Dr. Ashish Khanna, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Section on Critical Care Medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine, presents on “Perioperative Cardiorespiratory Compromise – Connecting the operating room, the ICU, and the hospital wards.”

Cox – Approach to Airway

Today’s lecture will be a Core Curriculum presented by Dr. Elizabeth Cox Williams, Assistant
Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Maryland. The lecture will focus on Airway Management.

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