Critical Care Medicine

Time to Play: What’s That Rhythm?!

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] Time to Play: What’s That Rhythm?! Rhythm Strip Patient is a 60 yr old gentleman with ALS who was admitted for respiratory […]

"Voodoo Death": The Deadly Brain-Heart Syndrome

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”]You are working late one night when you are called by the ED to come down and help with someone who needs direct

A case of severe hypothermia…. when "sepsis" isn’t the ONLY answer

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You are working in the MICU on a relatively quiet Sunday night, turn the lights off and just as you are about

A storm is brewing…… A deadly case of undifferentiated shock

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You are on call for the Cardiac Surgery ICU when you receive notification that a new patient is in en route….. Mr.

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