
Educational posts, organized by topic

ECMO Boot Camp – Day 1

Today you are welcome to a rarity in modern medicine, we will posting an ENTIRE ECMO course online, for free! This will be a weekly event for a three week stretch. […]

Wacker: Refeeding Syndrome: Recognizing and Treating

Today we present a talk by David Wacker MD, PhD, one of our recently graduated University of Maryland EM/IM/CCM critical care fellows and new addition to the University of Minnesota. Today he presents a fantastic talk on what happens when we become TOO aggressive with ICU feeding. The history lesson alone is worth the listen, but it is a topic that is often overlooked and misdiagnosed. You might be surprised after this talk at just how many of these patients you have missed!

Slack- Refractory Status Asthmaticus: Drips & Gases & ECMO, Oh My!

Today we are happy to welcome Dr. Donald Slack, A second year Pulmonary-Critical Care fellow here at the University of Maryland. He hails to us most recently from Christiana Health Care System where he completed his internal medicine residency before returning home to UMMC, where he spent his medical school training. Today he shares some information extracted from a VERY difficult asthma case that presented to his service several months ago. This is a fantastic review of the random things we attempt to keep asthmatic airways open. So before you reach for that EpiPen or start the ketamine drip, you should take 45 minutes and learn about why those ideas may not be as helpful as you think.

Hu: Bronchopleural Fistula- Summary and Recommendations

Bronchopleural fistulae (BPF) are more than simply air leaks to be fixed with a chest tube. Albeit relatively rare, they carry a high morbidity and mortality, and knowledge regarding their management is important to facilitate healing and limit negative outcomes.

Finding the Auto PEEP

The consequences of excessive auto PEEP can be fatal, so it’s important that we are checking for it regularly on patients that have a high risk of air trapping.  Fortunately,

Vent Waveform Analysis Quickie – What’s the Dx?

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”The Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] A 50 y/o female with a history of asthma is intubated in the ED for SOB.  The patient is hemodynamically stable and has a

Approaching the Awake Intubation

While in the ICU, you get a phone call to see a 59 year-old patient on the floor with respiratory distress.  She was just admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with TTP (platelet

Time to Play: What’s That Rhythm?!

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] Time to Play: What’s That Rhythm?! Rhythm Strip Patient is a 60 yr old gentleman with ALS who was admitted for respiratory

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