
Shah – Lactate in the ICU

Dr. Sanjeev Shah, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania presents present the weekly multi-departmental critical care fellows’ lecture on “Lactate in the ICU – more th

Srivisatava – mechanical support 1-18-18

written by Scott Sullivan, MD Today it is my pleasure to introduce Dr. Mukta Srivastava. She is the Cardiology Fellowship Program Director and an interventionist actively involved in the insertion

Winters – CC literature update 12-14-17

Summary by Lia Losonczy, MD, MPH Sepsis: “Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28101605 Had over 90 recommendations Pearls: SSC acknowledges but does

Massey – microcirculation 11-9-17

Summary written by Dr. Scott Sullivan Today it is my pleasure to welcome Dr. Michael Massey.  Dr. Massey got his Master’s Degree at MIT, as well as a PhD in

Allison: Volume responsiveness in the ICU, the Lebowski way!

This afternoon we were fortunate to pull Michael G. Allison, MD from the ICU at St Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD back over to UMMC where he was gracious to donate an hour of his his brilliance. Dr. Allison is a previous graduate of the Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine/Critical Care fellowship here at the University of Maryland Medical Center where he molded his training and career to the speciality use of ultrasound and echocardiography in the intensive care unit. He has taken this unique niche and dominated the field of volume assessment in the critically ill patient. Today I welcome you to sit back and enjoy what has been one of the more enjoyable journeys in education we have been privy to here at CCproject!

Callahan – ICU leadership 8-24-17

• Assumptions and bias • Coming from a single-payer system, so not from a background of healthcare economy ◦ Leadership experts aren’t ◦ Leadership is life ◦ Nature, Nurture, and

Seam – ARDS phenotypes 6-29-17

Summary by Dr. Basel Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Histopathology Definition: Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) In reality, it likely more heterogeneous than that. The First ARDS Consensus Definitions 1994 American-European Consensus

Phipps – ischemic stroke 6-22-17

Summary by Dr. Tony Basel Stroke:  A clinical neurologic syndrome that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted by either a blocked (Ischemic) or ruptured (Hemorrhagic) blood vessel.

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