Motta – Cutting Edge Acute Ischemic Stroke Care

Today we are privileged to welcome Dr. Melissa Motta, Assistant Professor of Neurology and a mainstay in the Neuro-Critical Care Unit here at the University of Maryland. Dr. Motta has an extensive research background on the topics of rehab and quality of life improvement after an acute stroke and has published numerous papers that have revolutionized the field. Over the last several years she has compiled all current research on the treatment of acute ischemic stroke and was gracious enough to share a summary of this information over the next 50 minutes. If you come across stroke patients in your daily practice, then this talk cannot be missed!

Frank: Transfusion Practice and Blood Management Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

Tisherman – Abdominal Catastrophes in the ICU Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

Greenwood – Why We Do What We Do and the Future of MarylandCCProject

This is a talk I gave at this month’s Critical Care Grand Rounds about the concepts that have driven the development of MarylandCCProject along with our evolution over the past 2 years.  Since the beginning, our goal has been to improve the critical care education at the University of Maryland, as well as show others the great work we are doing here in Baltimore.  I think we’ve done that.  But we’re not finished.

Finding the Auto PEEP

The consequences of excessive auto PEEP can be fatal, so it’s important that we are checking for it regularly on patients that have a high risk of air trapping.  Fortunately,

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