
Educational posts, organized by topic

"Voodoo Death": The Deadly Brain-Heart Syndrome

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”]You are working late one night when you are called by the ED to come down and help with someone who needs direct

LVAD Troubleshooting – Low flow & power drops

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] A 52 year old male is admitted to your ICU with complications related to his LVAD.  He is hypotensive & having intermittent

A case of severe hypothermia…. when "sepsis" isn’t the ONLY answer

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] You are working in the MICU on a relatively quiet Sunday night, turn the lights off and just as you are about

Intraosseus: when central access isn’t an option

[tab_nav type=”two-up”][tab_nav_item title=”Clinical Case” active=”true”][tab_nav_item title=”Answer” active=””][/tab_nav][tabs][tab active=”true”] Since 1922, physicians have been using the long bones as a “non-collapsible vein” for fast and reliant resuscitation. Although first targeted to

Bring Lung Ultrasound To YOUR ICU

By now you’re probably used to checking your acutely ill patients heart and IVC with bedside ultrasound when they come into your ICU. But do you want to learn how

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